Due Diligence Part IV
Due Diligence Part IV

Due Diligence Part IV

Thinking of Joining LIG?

Part IV examines the complex range of LIG offerings and tries to summarise them to help you find one that best suits you.

We’ve looked at some tempting credentials in Parts 1-3 , now let’s see what’s on offer?

The LIG Shop Window

You would expect that a Global business run by a vastly successful CEO might have a daunting range of offerings and you’d be correct. Information is scattered over several of the Global sites so I have tried to make a summary list of what’s on offer to help you choose.

It certainly looks like LIG have a bit of an Image Problem

Maybe their emphasis is on recruiting an Army to fight the Forces of Evil?

It does make you wonder where their internal energy is directed, doesn’t it?

However, a High Level 4 works in mysterious ways, so..

Help us out

If you have had a positive or negative experience with LIG related to Fighting Trolls, Toxic Families, Parents and other enemies please let us know, we’re always searching for facts!

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