The Spiritual Direction Part I
The Spiritual Direction Part I

The Spiritual Direction Part I

Lighthouse International Group started their secular journey over 18 years ago.

They have recently achieved a Research Breakthrough and chosen to embrace the Word of God.

We came from a variety of backgrounds; Catholicism, Church of England, Sikhism, Islam, agnosticism and even atheism! However, through an arduous journey of dedication to reality and absolute truth, we came to recognise the need to develop a personal relationship with God and Christ as the Source of our potential. 

Christian Life Coaching

Some may disagree that LIG are an authority on Reality & Absolute Truth, but we are all entitled to our Beliefs, aren’t we!

Do you really believe?

Are you in the right place?

Are you heading in the right direction?

You don’t have to go through the door!

Lighthouse International Group The Spiritual Direction
A big step into the unknown
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