The Spiritual Direction Part II
The Spiritual Direction Part II

The Spiritual Direction Part II

Turn or Burn

Lighthouse International Group started their ‘Spiritual Journey‘ around 18 months ago.

LIG achieved a Research Breakthrough and chose to embrace the ‘Word of God‘, and the ‘Word of God‘ filters through the mouth of Paul Stephen Waugh.

He preaches a pseudo popular Victorian theology which could be summarised by three words, ‘Turn or Burn’, or in modern parlance, ‘Sanctify or French Fry‘.

This kind of teaching is rooted in fear. At its most optimistic it offers a safe place in heaven in return for keeping on the right side of the Leader. Words like obedience, submission, acceptance and give up your ego may describe the relationship that is expected of the group member towards the leader. This submission is often expressed through a compulsory tithe. Total dedication to the Group, total dedication of free time, total dedication to Group relationships.

These rules end up being followed, not for reasons of joy or gratitude towards God, but simply because the relationship has become one based on fear. The Leader controls his flock with this weapon of fear. The sense of dread is very real. On this side of the grave there is fear of expulsion from the Group through shunning. On the other side it is the fear of endless torment in hell.

The preachings of Hell-fire extend to removing the support system of the members, the role of Family & Friends is systematically attacked and maligned by Paul Stephen Waugh.

“Your Parents were AWOL in your upbringing”, “not protecting you from Hell”, “breeding suicidal cowards”… Does this resonate with the teachings of Jesus?

Going Forth

And the disciples went everywhere and preached, and the Lord worked through them, confirming what they said by many miraculous signs.

Mark 16:20

Jesus commanded the disciples to go forth and do good works and adults in our society are free to make their way in the world, so why are members of LIG unable to ‘Go Forth‘ ?

Why do only one or two senior members have autonomy?

Lighthouse International Group
Matthew 7:15
  • Are your Mothers stopping your growth ?
  • Are you too busy on Twitter ?
  • Is the World outside LIG too dangerous ?
  • After 10 years of “help” are you still too damaged ?
  • Are you too busy Transcribing ?
  • Are all your needs fulfilled within LIG ?
  • Are you frightened to ask for time away ?
  • Why does no one within LIG have time away, ever ?
  • Are you 35 years old and not ready?
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