Criteria for Totalism
Criteria for Totalism

Criteria for Totalism

LIG Criteria for Totalism


Lighthouse International Group has gone through several transitions over the 19 years that formed one of the World’s largest and most advanced research projects.

Helped by a team that is rumoured to comprise over 100 PhD’s, the LIG scientists and psychologists have finally abandoned their search for Empaths after discovering the real reason they never achieved any goals set by their leader Paul Stephen Waugh.

Failure was not due to poor leadership, lack of experience, malignant narcissism, poor mentoring, lack of ability, trolls, lack of fortitude or not understanding the market.

Business failure was discovered to be caused by Toxic Parents failing to care for their children and not raising them as healthy Christians.

Most of the LIG associates were unaware of this in 2021 but all have now come to see the truth after 12 months intensive mentoring from their Illustrious Leader.


Chris Nash 2021

“Paul, my mentor, helped me to see at an early stage that the optimal way to grow and develop as a person and aspiring leader was to help others with just that..”

Warren Vaughn  2021

“10 years ago since meeting Paul I have been working tirelessly at the coalface of the organisation, building, growing, developing my ability to choose how I want to feel..”

James Mills  2021

“Through intensive mentorship I am happier and have an increasingly clear vision for myself. My passion is education and my vision is that we have an inspirational teacher in every classroom…”

Anthony Antoine  2021

“I love manifesting something from nothing to inspire and improve our lives individually and as a human race, which is my passion. The time with LIG has facilitated me to bring that to life and to enable me to realise it on a global scale.”

Jatinder Singh 2021

‘..I want to help people to succeed in their lives, careers and business..’

Kris Deichler 2021

“.. I believe there’s so much missing from what is taught in school…”

Sukh Singh 2021

 “My main passion is to help revolutionise the education industry and families..”

Tom Hasker 2021

“For as long as I can remember I’ve wanted to start an engineering business…”

Shaun Cooper 2021

“.. For the last 9 years I was one of the incredibly fortunate few who, under his mentorship has had an immense opportunity to serve small businesses..”

Daniel Schmitz 2021

“..Turning Business Failure Into a Powerful Opportunity”

@chrisnash1 2022

“Without true Christ infused love and care family is false and pseudo and ultimately hell on earth.” “ I have come from a modern day hell on earth family..”

@WarrenVaughan11 2022

“Phew phew phew!!! I love it! Most people don’t know how to identify who is toxic in their lives! It’s veiled as “love”….that’s why our work on malignant toxic families is so fundamental …”

@jssmills 2022

“. how many flies die from persistently trying to fly through windows? Millions/billions right? Then… how many years have windows existed? Hundreds of years! Surely flies would have evolved to be able to not die in the way they do?!?”

Anthony Antoine @MentorandCoach 2022

“..for my protection mother shielded me from the dangers of the world, in doing so she created a scared old infant”

@jatindersingh10 2022

“God Bless you (Paulie) for the years and years of helping to heal the damage that malignant families have inflicted upon their offspring. It has been sorely necessary in order to enable the production that you and we want to create inside and outside our front doors!”

@KrisDeichler 2022

“Any family where Christ is not at the head will not be healthy” “I’ve grown up in an unhealthy and toxic environment that did not have Christ.”

@sukh_Singh86 2022

““Hell on earth, I know this first hand..” “..without healthy Christian family then nothing else good can be built by us.”

@Tom_Hasker 2022

“For 18 years, Lighthouse and its Partners have been attacked by toxic families” “Have you ever experienced damage from a toxic family?”

Shaun Cooper @ardent_student  2022

“God Bless Jai & Sukh for their courageous steps in confronting their mother” “..Subsequently, children get dragged up and as old infants..”

@schmitzdaniel 2022

“It’s not enough to have the same blood to be a family..” “We all have 2 biological parents but our understanding of a healthy family is quite limited.”

Asif Ali Valiji  @AValiji 2022

“.. narcissism needs to end with us and it starts in our families.”

“Our journey over nearly 19 years has been priceless. The malignant family members that are perpetuators of #cancelculture… you will NOT stop us..”

@JackLighthouse 2022

“We have been so scared to feeling because we haven’t had the love needed in our homes”

Vivienne @vvnclaire 2022

“A family devoid of Christ is a family devoid of love..”

8 Criteria for Totalism

From Robert Jay Lifton’s (1961) Thought Reform and the Psychology of Totalism

1.  Milieu control. Control of environment, communication and information, isolating the person from outside world and from his or her own inner dialog. May include sleep, diet, schedule, living situation, etc. 
2.  Mystical Manipulation. Deception is justified for the ‘higher purpose’ of the group. Certain experiences appear spontaneous to awe the recruit or cult member. 
3. Demand For Purity. The world is viewed as black and white (us vs. them) and group members are constantly pushed to strive for perfection. Guilt and shame become powerful control devices. 
4. The Cult Of Confession. Real or imagined ‘sins’ are to be confessed to the group.  Boundaries of personal privacy are confused.
5. The Sacred Science. The group’s doctrine (total ideology) is seen as the ‘Ultimate Truth’. No questions of this ‘Truth’ (and therefore, the group and leader) are allowed. Inhibits individual thought, imagination, creativity. 
6. Loading The Language. Use of  jargon internal to – and only  understandable by – the group. Constricting the language constricts people’s capacity for independent thinking.
7. Doctrine Over Person. One’s personal experience is subordinated to the ‘Truth’ of the group. Contrary experiences are shoe-horned to fit the needs of the doctrine. The person’s sense of integrity is lost. 
8. Dispensing Of Existence. The group determines who has the right to exist and who doesn’t. Us vs. Them. Non-believers are considered ‘evil’ or non-people. 

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