Paul Stephen Waugh Timeline
Paul Stephen Waugh Timeline

Paul Stephen Waugh Timeline

In the UK since 1999 The Lighthouse International Group (Global) has evolved to survive.

This timeline records the evolution, or creation, of this #A Very British Cult from Business Coaching via an MLM scheme into its current manifestation as a Religious Troll Farm.

The timeline is sourced from LIG Recordings, Personal Memories and Social Media.

DatePaul Stephen Waugh TimelineCommentary
1964 – 2009 The FactsSA Chamber of Commerce
7/1/1992B1992018631 Coastal Promotions Durban SANo returns filed
8/1/1995B1995031983 Success Media Publications SANo returns filed
12/1/1997B1997064167 PS Waugh Business Assistance SANo returns ever filed – Deregistered for AR Non- Compliance
PSW is unknown at the Chamber of Commerce
PSW is unknown in the tight knit SA Business Community
1964 – 2009 The “Back Story” from PSW Recordings
“I had 11 different businesses by the time I was 14. I don’t count those in the 18!”No returns filed
“Many of my clients are multi millionaires, I can name them…”No returns filed
“They had Dr. Covey there, they got rid of him, they had me..”No returns filed
“I was making a month’s salary in a day..”No returns filed
“I was the “Thought Leader” of S.A. Middle Management..20 Grand cheques in my hand..”No returns filed
“My first publication was an overwhelming hit..I built my capital back to big numbers in 3 months..”No returns filed
“I’m an old mercenary..”BS
“I’ve got an interest in an arms security company that looks after top business people..”BS
“I’ve got a direct line to Buffet & Gates, all in my black book..”BS
“I mentored Elon Musk actually…”BS
“Those 14 businesses were highly successful. Sold out to corporates..”No Businesses, No returns filed
“When I chaired at the World Entrepreneurial Forum, Kevin Spacey was the keynote speaker..”BS
“I’ve spent millions removing my past from the Internet..”BS
“Business leaders were begging me to keep mentoring them..”BS
“I was so successful, countries were queuing up to get me to relocate..”BS
“I was trained in Kung-Fu by Tibetan Monks…”BS
“The SAS consult with me if they have a difficult mission..”BS
“I commanded 5000 soldiers…”BS
“I looked at myself in the 90’s and I went, “what am I doing?” I don’t want this money. This is terrible, this money, this is PPG.The SA Chamber of Commerce is unaware of any money..
“I started giving it away, in the millions. I would go to auctions, I would do auctions..”There is a story about Auctions..
“I’ve got 131 PhD’s working for me..”There are no PhD’s
“I would be a billionaire now if I hadn’t given anything away..”No returns filed
“It’s not just giving 10s of millions away..”No returns filed
“I would have had, I estimate, looking at it now, somewhere between 4 and 5 billion.”No returns filed
“I’m not answerable to anybody, I’m not answerable to the media, to the police – you know that, you have experienced it first hand – I am not answerable to the government, I’m not answerable to the queen..”True
11/4/1999Nov. 1999 PSW arrives in UK, vastly successful, vastly talented, vastly mysterious background..and sleeps on floors
7/1/2004PSW starts The South African Careers Development Forum in London c/w FTSE 500 guysCareer Hijacking?
PSW connects with Shaun Cooper & Chris Nash & Jai Singh..and so it begins
2008 – 2011 Let’s try Business Coaching
5/1/2008FranklinWaugh Limited UK createdFranklinWaugh
12/22/2008Paul is a seasoned entrepreneur and business leader with more than 20 years experience in business development across numerous different businesses and sectors. He is passionate about seeing global small business growth and success for the benefit of all the people involved in this sector. Paul’s business leadership philosophy of starting with the development of the whole person or entrepreneur before moving on to the development of their business has earned him respect and trust in business, both in the UK and abroad.About Us
12/22/2008Government is being petitioned to create support structures…Zero Income Declared
12/22/2008Do you have a clear plan to get the resources you need for 2009?Zero Income Declared
12/22/2008ECLUB – Entrepreneurial ClubECLUB
12/22/2008Membership to the Eclub is free..ECLUB 2
12/22/2008EBEN – The Entrepreneurial Business Exchange NetworkEBEN 1
12/22/2008EBEN is promising because it is set to be the largest worldwide entrepreneurial…EBEN-2
12/22/2008FranklinWaugh will support you to follow through so that EBEN becomes a reality to you and your businessZero Income Declared
12/22/2008JLA – Junior Leadership AcademyZero Income Declared
12/22/2008The JLA provides small & medium sized business owners to serve in their communities..Zero Income Declared
12/22/2008Jai Singh : “How rare it is, these days, to find genuine, trustworthy people in business..”15 Years later, everyone is still “Pre Startup”
5/22/2012FranklinWaugh Limited UK – 06587240 – Dissolved on 22 May 2012Zero Income Declared
3/1/2012The Lighthouse Self- Leadership Society Ltd UKZero Income Declared Zero Assets
4/1/20122008 – 2012 PSW Achievement Summary
4/1/2012No Entrepreneurial Network
4/1/2012No Business Creation
4/1/2012No Recorded Revenue
4/1/2012No Meaningful Testimonials
4/1/2012All accounts filed for a Dormant Company
5/1/20122012 – 2019 Recruit the “New Age Entrepreneurs”Join The Cult 2
5/1/2012“WE NEED TO FOCUS ON ENGAGING YOUNG PEOPLE: What I want to do is help young people, which is why our conscientious work now must be starting with these young people. We must start looking at young people, between say schooling age, just about to leave school and A levels, into maybe 30s, 35 tops.” PSW Speech 2021Our Team
5/18/2012Only 2% of students graduating from Oxford University this year have secured permanent employment.Why Not Join Us
10/21/2013I’m endorsing 1mn kids being mentored in 2014! Please join me!Luckily, no Kids were mentored by them
8/24/2014Why do people spend 16 years in school and no time looking for mentors?Mentoring Sign-Up
9/7/2015Legends Report Latest News Kids & Legendz
10/14/2015The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen R. Covey7 Habits
1/5/2016Dodgeball 4 Water Charity – 100% proceeds to those in need of Clean WaterSport 4 Water
1/20/2016Excellent opportunity to meet good people, get some exercise and make a difference..Clean Water 1
2/1/2016Football 4 Water Charity – 100% proceeds to those in need of Clean WaterFootball 4 Water
3/19/2016Freethechildren 12,000 children and adults getting seated for a day of inspirationFree The Children
7/27/2016Why Do a Third of The Top 100 Billionaires Not Have a Degree? Why Do A Third..
9/27/2016Young People Living In a ‘Suspended Adulthood’Suspended Adulthood 1
10/6/2016“Everyday Legend – The Man Who Can Solve Any Water Problem! Water Problem Clickbait
2/18/2017#leadership Latest CEO Insights On Investing In The Future..Target demographic
4/20/2017#leadership The Surprising Mentors of The CEOs of Google, Yahoo!Mentoring Signup
12/31/2017#leadership How To Make 2018 Your Best Year Yet! Join The Cult
2/1/2019PSW completes 16 years of research into human behaviourZzzzz
3/10/2019#leadership Legendary Research – Who Would Be Your Ideal Mentor?Ideal Mentor
1/1/20202020 The Covid Years. The isolation builds..Click Bait 2020
5/1/2020PSW announce a major Book LaunchThere was no Book Launch
8/1/2020PSW announces Lighthouse PublishingThere was no Publishing Company
12/1/2020PSW targets 8,400 Affiliate Partners to raise £84M per month 2021Deliberately unachievable
12/1/2020PSW starts Project £1 Billion 2021Deliberately unachievable
1/1/20212021 Project £1 Billion, setting the followers up for failure, increasing religious control.
2/1/2021PSW announces The Foundation Program, £25k for early adoptersA money scheme
2/1/2021PSW announces the appointment of Deloitte as LIG Global accountantsMajor Lie
3/1/2021“I had 11 different businesses by the time I was 14. I don’t count those in the 18!”I’ve done this, why can’t you?
4/1/2021“ORACLE – Our starting point within Oracle is to find the right people..”
4/1/2021“Everything We’ve ever spoken about over the last 16 years is unlivable without conscience”
4/1/2021PSW announces Consciousness Book ProjectThere are no books
4/1/2021“All LIG members have failed to reach Level 4 after 17 years..”Only room for 1 Level 4
4/16/2021Call out for info on Lighthouse International Group…Reddit discovers LIG
5/1/2021I’ve got 14 businesses, 13 successful, 1 broke even, 3 failed, those 14 businesses were highly successful. Sold out to corporatesI’ve done this, why can’t you?
5/1/2021I had four failed businesses when I first started. Four!! Out of 18. Four.I’ve done this, why can’t you?
5/1/2021PSW announce LIG Due Diligence Program by FTSE 100 AuditorThere is no Auditor
5/1/2021PSW announces Full 17 year report on LIG written by Lawyers, PHD’s and ConsultantsThere are no PhD’s, Lawyers or Consultants
5/1/2021Lighthouse will have 4000-5000 people working in the legal department in the next 5-10 couldn’t make this up.
5/1/2021PSW states that Lighthouse is a Level 4 Organisation, beyond most people, with a complex Global InfrastructureHigh Court 2023: “Lighthouse is a Pre-Startup..”
5/1/2021“NO ONE GETS INTO LIGHTHOUSE UNTIL THEY ARE READY AS A LEVEL 4”No one gets out of Lighthouse either..
5/2/2021“There’s only one person here that can help you with this, to make this sort of level of investment work for you and that’s a high level 4 man!! There’s no other high level 4s here, so there you go!!”Such humility
5/15/2021PSW announces £400M Corporate investment into LIG Oracle ProjectMajor lie
6/1/2021PSW announces LIG Corporate Incubation program with PhD’s There are no PhD’s
6/1/2021June 2021 PSW announces Corporate Greenhouse project to infiltrate Big BusinessThere is no Project
7/1/2021Discipline Program merges with Foundation ProgramA new money scheme
7/18/2021“We’re going to be starting a series of businesses, a raft of businesses..”There are no businesses
9/1/2021Sep 2021 Foundation Program rewritten for True BluesAnother money scheme
9/1/2021PSW announces salaries for Associates with True Blue income streamThere are no salaries
11/1/2021PSW re-launches Project £1 Billion as project £25 Billion..designed to fail.
12/1/2021PSW announces 126 confirmed Corporates signed up with LIG Trolling initiativeThere are no Corporates
12/1/2021The Daily Mail start investigating LIG
1/1/20222022 Project £25 Billion, work like mad with Christ, smash the Ego
1/1/2022PSW announces Project C100k to find 100M True Blue elect.Maybe Christ can help?
1/1/2022Advance Foundation Program commencesAnother money scheme
1/1/2022PSW announces Global Summit Trolls & Trolling Conference for March 2022There was no summit
1/1/2022Work Like Mad With Christ, leave The Results Up To HimPSW = Christ = PSW
1/1/2022PSW announces he can only work now with True BluesMost Cults transition to religion for better control
2/1/2022PSW announces Project GroundswellThe “Troll Farm” starts
4/19/2022Dail Mail exposes LIG Part IDaily Mail Part 1
5/25/2022Hi all! I am now on here moving forward! I have granted access to everyone as this is what Christ my mentor, coach, counsellor and leader would have done. Christ guides PSW onto Twitter
5/25/2022Let’s be human. Let’s park the hate and begin to live in love, care and respect for one another. God bless us all xSo starts a year of hatred..
6/1/2022June 2022 Finally, the game is up.
6/1/2022UK Secretary of State starts LIG Investigation using Gowling LLC
6/1/2022June 2022 The Revenue dries up, LIG reinvents as a Troll Farm
6/3/2022..”A Television Company now interested in this showdown! .. Woww”There is no TV company
7/1/2022PSW says LIG Solicitors will reply to Gowlings LLCThere are no Solicitors
8/1/2022PSW Threatened with “Certification Proceedings” for non cooperation
8/1/2022PSW announces LIG presence in 185 countries by 2024Plan the escape
9/1/2022PSW Business Trip. Spotted at All Inclusive in Majorca
9/29/2022PSW Channels Jon MacArthurPSW now a Religious Victim
10/14/2022“The only investigation in relation to the Daily Mail is that we are now fully investigating them..”IPSO Ruling
10/19/2022PSW to publish Mini Book series on Toxic FamiliesThere was no Series and no Book
24-Oct-22“Oh..and you can search for Lighthouse company registrations all around the world and waste your meaningless and spiteful little lives away..but you will not find us! We will not tell you why either. Love you all..God Bless…”There are no Companies
10/31/2022LIG complain to IPSO re Daily MailIPSO Ruling
11/9/2022BBC approach PSW for reply to allegationsPSW is bound by NDA’s & cannot answer
11/10/2022“The Truth will come out in Court”True
1/6/2023Petition to Wind Up LIG Submitted by Secretary of StateThe London Gazette
1/8/2023“LIG is now thriving”2021 = 39 Followers, 2023 = 20 Followers
1/27/2023“We believe that justice will prevail and that IPSO and the Mail will make things right in the end..IPSO Ruling
2/1/2023Gowling LLC have 117 pages of unanswered letters, phone calls & emailsZero cooperation by LIG & PSW
2/20/2023“The anti Lighthouse online assailants I believe are saying that there are LOADS of investigations into us! God be my judge Lighthouse are not involved at all in any investigations falsely triggered by them! The agencies are onto yourselves now! You are now being investigated.”The first High Court Hearing CR-2023-000076 is in 8 days
2/22/202343 falsehoods in the DailyMailUK attempt to destroy Lighthouse!! ..IPSO Ruling
2/24/2023Yes the mail have now basically admitted that! Zero evidence. Not one piece! Out of court settlement is the next stage otherwise public humiliation in court for both the Mail and sources!IPSO Ruling
2/28/2023The First Court Hearing
2/28/2023The first High Court Hearing CR-2023-000076London Gazette
2/28/2023Charges of False Accounting & Non Cooperation, full day trial set for 28th Mar 23
3/28/2023The Second Court HearingThe Court Reporter
3/28/2023Secretary of State vs. LIG (High Court of Justice, Court no. 21)
3/28/2023Notes from the Prosecution.
3/28/2023The first ground is failure to cooperate/lack of transparency,
3/28/2023Gowling LLC have 117 pages of unanswered letters, phone calls & emails
3/28/2023..and failure to produce a document is a criminal offence.
3/28/2023..”We can only commit one hour a day to forces like yours, relentlessly working on us.”Paul is a seasoned entrepreneur and business leader with more than 20 years experience..
3/28/2023All promises on Lighthouse’s side have been broken..
3/28/2023..analysis of the bank statements, which shows that of the £2.4 million odd that have gone through the bank account, £1.2 million odd, slightly more than half, has gone to Mr Waugh, the bulk of that having gone to him: £1.15 million over the last four years
3/28/2023So here we have an LLP making huge losses, but has no creditors, whose research has cost multiple millions of pounds – which you won’t see in its accounts – where individuals joining the core team are paying large fees to Mr Waugh for the privilege, where there is a split of money passing into the bank account between Mr Waugh, the associates, and Lighthouse, and yet, its directors consider it isn’t trading. Judge, not all of those statements can be true.
3/28/2023What we know is that nothing was provided to the investigators by Lighthouse during the course of the investigation.
3/28/2023We know that Mr Waugh has had £1.15 million over the last four years, so he at least has crossed the VAT threshold.Declared LIG Turnover = £0
3/28/2023First, on non-cooperation, the LLP has blatantly failed to cooperate, without providing an adequate justification. Noncooperation is a serious matter with criminal consequences,
3/28/2023Mr Waugh has positively given instructions that there should be non-cooperation, and he has also taken custody of the LLP’s documents to prevent any possibility of cooperation by anybody else.
3/28/2023The only thing that the Secretary of State can identify is very large sums of money passing to, in particular, Mr Waugh, as its prime mover.
3/28/2023As to the filed accounts which have been submitted to Companies House, those are demonstrably wrong,
3/28/2023Independent scrutiny and investigation of this LLP is required, and the official receiver, as liquidator, will be able to carry out that, endowed with all the further powers under Section 236 of the Insolvency Act, and so on, to enable the affairs of the LLP to be properly investigated [on pain of?] further sanction and contempt of court in due course.
3/28/2023And it’s that the LLP be wound up, and the costs of the petitioner be paid out of the assets of the LLP, and there’s a date, and the appointment of the official receiver.
3/28/2023“We don’t have a bank account that’s associated with this company; we don’t have to put any money through this company. None of it exists. So we’re talking about something that doesn’t exist, that’s the first thing.”PSW Smoke & Mirrors
3/28/2023“The second thing is we are here based on falsehoods, provably so – which we are now proving through IPSO..”IPSO Ruling
3/28/2023“We’re now proving through the BBC, who are now moonwalking backwards in relation to a planned documentary that they’re putting forward..”Dream on
3/28/2023“You know, for a full and fair disclosure of the facts, we’d be here for three, four months.”Probably
3/28/2023“Well, I don’t sign them off, that’s for starters. (Mr X) used to do that..”The Fall Guy
3/28/2023And they are signed off by Mr Vaughan. But presumably, these are authorised members of the LLP, so- -in a sense, you are bound by his signature.Fall Guy plan fails.
3/28/2023The BBC interview PSW outside the High CourtCult Leader Interview
4/1/2023The BBC Schedule “A Very British Cult” on BBC3 5th April 2023BBC A Very British Cult
4/1/2023PSW flees to JohannesburgWho does he remind me of? 🙂
4/4/2023“I am now private. Lighthouse legal counsel have advised us to do so with very strict guidelines because of BBC and Daily Mail Libel cases Pray”There is no Legal Counsel, there are no Libel Cases
4/4/2023Dail Mail exposes LIG Part IIDaily Mail Expose LIG Part 2
4/5/2023BBC launches “A Very British Cult”
4/6/2023LIG shut down for financial irregularitiesUK GOV Shutdown LIG
4/8/2023PSW offers millions to followers from his pending BBC libel case settlementRecordings
4/23/2023PSW to sue Daily MailIPSO Ruling
6/6/2023Insolvency Service wind up LIG OC372802 & Official Receiver commences investigations
6/14/2023IPSO Rule in Dail Mail’s favour for every complaint.IPSO Ruling
9/19/2023Shaun Cooper, LIG Partner, asks Kevin Costello to remove A Very British Cult from Podcast AwardsBBC Rebuttal
9/20/2023Kevin Costello says NoJust Say No
9/28/2023BBC win Bronze in Podcast award for LIG – A Very British CultBBC Podcast Award
10/20/20232008 – 2023 PSW Achievement Summary
10/20/2023No Entrepreneurs
10/20/2023No Startups
10/20/2023No Business Leaders
10/20/2023No Recorded Trading over 15 years
10/20/2023No Meaningful TestimonialsThanks Mum 🙂
10/20/2023The accounts filed at Company House are demonstrably wrong
10/20/2023Lighthouse LLP Partners now being investigated by the Official Receiver
10/20/2023October 2023 The Troll Farm100 million 🙂
10/20/2023PSW Troll Farm threatens Official Receiver & StaffThe Enemy Outside
10/24/2023Paul Stephen Waugh added as Respondent to Case CR-2023-000076Pending Legal Action
11/14/2023Chris Nash added to Case CR-2023-000076

If you have additions or corrections to this timeline, please Contact Us!

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