Questioning Lighthouse International Group



We are a group of ex-members, family, friends and even ex-friends who still want to be friends! Some of us are young, some of us not so young 🙂

Some of us have accessed specialist help, others have made their own journey.

Probably one of us can help you or knows someone who can.

Suggestions for Posts

We are always looking for information on how LIG has affected people, for the better or worse.

If you have a suggestion for a new Post or anything you think may help us understand the workings of LIG, please email your thoughts.

You’re not alone

If you are reading this, welcome to the Q-LIG club 🙂

If it’s happened to you, it’s probably happened to one of us!

Give us some details and we can chat or put you in touch with someone who can help.

    Opening Hours:24/7
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