Does it Add Up?
Does it Add Up?

Does it Add Up?

Does it Add Up?

77,000 Clients for 1 hour at £50 = £3,850,000

77,000 Clients for 5 hours at £50 = £19,250,000

77,000 Clients over 18 years = 4,000 Clients a year

4000 Clients for 10 Mentors = 400 Clients per Mentor per year

1 Mentor working 40 hours a week for 50 weeks has 2000 hours per year

1 Mentor can allocate 400 Clients 5 hours each

400 Clients * 5 hours * £50 earns each Mentor £100,000 per year

LIG Company Returns £0.0 per year


LIG as a Micro-Entity must generate less than £316,000 per year?

Do the Mentors recollect having 400 Clients to serve each year?

Are the Mentors working as individuals or representing LIG or even LG?

Do the Mentors get to take holidays with their £100k per year income?

It must be tough if this is mostly Pro-Bono to keep under the VAT limit?

Maybe a job in the City might be less work?

This doesn’t add up

Contact us

Please if you are one of the 77,000 ex-clients that LIG has served, please feed back your experiences and help us understand.

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