Due Diligence Part I
Due Diligence Part I

Due Diligence Part I

Are you thinking of joining LIG?

This could be a major life decision, we hear the team really do put the hours in.

On the plus side you could get access to great support from highly skilled mentors who have been running possibly the World’s largest research project for over 18 years now. The senior staff at LIG have been mentored in turn by a “Master Mentor” called Paul Stephen Waugh. (PSW)

We hear that PSW benefitted from a very colourful career that gave him unique insights into spiritual and business development. He sometimes quotes that his true market value is close to £5000 an hour. If you get a chance to learn from the best, why hesitate?

Q-LIG are trying to gather information together to help your decision in joining LIG. We’ve spent months researching the evidence to help you decide. Let us help you and please share your research with us to help others.

When you’re in the presence of genius it can be a humbling experience. I’m not sure we can do justice in a Blog Post to a man who from humble beginnings has risen to coach world figures, created companies and sold them to multi-nationals, commanded 1000’s of troops, consults with the SAS, networks with government figures yet still has the humility and conscience to help people get a start in life.

Getting a few minutes of time from a person with this experience could be worth years of time studying books or working in a dead end job. We hear that PSW is so keen to help members of LIG that he shares 5 or 6 hours of his time to benefit others, sometimes several times in a week. Privileged members have been known to receive 2 or 3 hours of “one on one” mentoring. These sessions can be intense but also represent £10K of mentoring value that you would be hard pressed to find an equivalent anywhere.

I know you’re all desperate to find out if Andy McNab has working with PSW, but LIG is about mentoring so we are going to stay on topic and examine the mentoring evidence base in Part II.

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