Is LIG a Cult?
Is LIG a Cult?

Is LIG a Cult?

Why Ask?

The Lighthouse International Group has attracted a lot of attention on Social Media and has polarised opinion on their activities. They attracted much comment from within the Cult Section of Reddit and you will find equally strong rebuttals from Active Members.

Does it Matter?

The C Word has the power to picture a complex situation succinctly, it also has the power to mislead or Falsely Categorise. This argument has challenged Academics and can also distract from more important concerns.

Lighthouse International Group call themselves a Group, the clue is in the name.

What does Matter?

Are People Harmed inside the Group?

In general, some people in the same cultic group will be hurt
more than others, some may not be affected at all, and some
may actually benefit. Groups change over time and from one
branch or subgroup to another; leaders’ personalities change,
as do the personalities of various members. Even persons
with secure and intelligent personalities may encounter
problems at times, especially during times of transition
and crisis—and they may become vulnerable to unethical
psychosocial influence and control.


The Intensity of Psychosocial Influence in a Group

Do people suffer trauma as a result of Group social influence?

Are People Harmed on Leaving the Group?

It must be possible to leave a group and not be harassed or threatened.

Are People Threatened for asking Questions?

It must be possible to ask questions of a Group and not be harassed or threatened.

Does the Group benefit Non Members?

It is important that a Group that advertises External Benefits to recruit members can demonstrate this fact.

Help Us

We are keen to hear experiences from people who have left LIG and had a negative experience and similarly those experiences of people within LIG.

LIG want to Give Children Hope Through Clean Water. We are keen to see the fruits of this Phase 3 Project. Please can anyone who became involved give us details of the promised LIG Marketing Budget investment into Children. We would love to set the record straight.

Please Contact Us!

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