Lighthouse Global
Lighthouse Global

Lighthouse Global

Global Business or Micro-Entity?

A Short History

Lighthouse International Group has always sounded rather ‘International’, but is being International sufficiently ‘Global’ ?

Global has a nice ring to the name, a name that transcends International, rising above the blinkered vision of Nations.

Feb 2021
Some members of LIG may recollect being told that they are not ‘LIG’ , they are Lighthouse Global (LG) which is held by LIG, but they are not in LIG.

May 2021
LIG paused their International (Global?) expansion to perform Due Diligence. It was impossible to ‘Go Global’ without this and a Global Auditor that specialises in FTSE100 Companies was promised to produce a full report and a Certificate.

Oct 2021
Members of LIG were told that they were entering into a Legal Entity known as Lighthouse Global held within LIG. Some members thought they had been in this entity since February, but maybe LG is now a Legal Entity?

June 2022
Sixteen Months Later: “As of this week LIG in its new operating status as a holding company has set up its new operating company Lighthouse Global in 5 major new countries. LIG because of the limitations of Brexit is also moving countries. Lighthouse Global will conduct its business here in the uk

Oct 2022
Presumably the FTSE100 Company Global Audit of LIG was finally successful, so now LG is registered by LIG in 5 new countries. LIG will dissolve on leaving the UK, reinvent offshore as LIG 2 and flip the assets into it?

LG Today
We eagerly await news of LG operating in the UK under its new foreign owners. To date there is no connection to LG in UK Companies House with the Partners of LIG. The word Global does feature in LIG media and Emails, but evidence of the LG entity remains elusive.

Who Operates the Operating Company?

Where does LG Operate From?

Who Pulls the Strings?

LIG Today
If a UK LLP has a Balance Sheet Total < £316k it can be deemed a Micro-Entity and excused from submitting a copy of the P&L Sheet. LIG have submitted £0 returns since formation.
The LIG Micro-Entity is run by 4 Partners, none of whom are Designated, leaving all Partners responsible.

LIG Who Pulls the Strings?

TBC Level 1

The four Partners of LIG are all self designated CEO’s, a Level 2 management role that typically answers to a Board of Directors. A UK LLP would be expected to have a Designated Partner (DP) responsible for Legal and other duties and a Person of Significant Control (PSC) who may for instance exert control over the actions of the other Shareholders. It would be wise that the four Partners held Contracts that for instance clarified their remit and ability to contract employees. Unfortunately a lot of LLP’s operate using Trust, there being in effect a Trust Based Contract or TBC.

TBC Level 2

LIG also claim 10 Associate Partners (AP), but they would have no legal share of the LLP and maybe have a Contract or a TBC with one or several of the four Partners.

TBC Level 3

The level of Associate Elect (AE) features in LIG as a paid investment (£25k) that involves another Trust Based Contract, a TBC3, 2 Levels removed from the LLP Partners.

TBC Level 4

If you were receiving Mentoring from an LIG you could be engaged via a Legally binding Contract with an LLP Partner, a TBC with an AE, a TBC with an AP or just a TBC4.

TBC Level 5 and beyond

When we look at Who Pulls the Strings we must now consider Lighthouse Global (LG), a Company held by LIG , operating on LIG’s behalf and that the AP’s and AE’s now work for. String Theory seeks to understand the Universe using 11 dimensions and we are fast approaching that complexity in understanding Who Pulls the Strings at LIG / LP.

Definitely a task for a High Level 4.


A person working with or within the LG Group may want to ask:

  • Why use a FTSE 100 Global auditor on a Micro-Entity?
  • Can I see this Audit?
  • What Country is LG registered in?
  • How does LG represent itself in the UK?
  • Am I an Employee or a Stakeholder?
  • If LG doesn’t exist in the UK, what am I in?
  • Are there any Contracts or just TBC’s?
  • Do I have a TBC with LIG, LG or Jesus?
  • Is LG a Mystic Communal system?

A person considering “investing in themselves” with the assistance or prompting of an LIG Associate Elect (AE) may well want to ask the following questions:

  • Who does the AE actually represent, LG, LIG or themselves?
  • Can the AE demonstrate any legal connection to LIG or LG?
  • If LG is mentioned, what exactly is it and where is it registered?
  • When will LIG be dissolved in the UK?
  • How can a Micro-Entity be a Global Entity?
  • Before I invest in myself, can I see the books?

Help Us

Understanding Global Finance can be a struggle for Level 1’s and probably we’ve missed some subtlety in the Company Structures. If anyone can provide details of the 5 Countries that LG operates in and exactly what sort of company LG is, we would be very keen to publish the facts.

Please Contact Us

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