LIG Clown Court
LIG Clown Court

LIG Clown Court

Lighthouse International Group High Court Trial


The Second Hearing

March 28th 2023 10:30

Court 21, 3rd Floor of 7 Rolls Buildings, London.

We were fortunate to have several friends and supporters present in Court. Thank you all for your time and effort in attending this event which has taken nearly 2 years to come to a conclusion.

A full report from a Demonic Troll inside the Courtroom

A summary of the Second Hearing

10:42 Paul Waugh & Chris Nash arrive 12 minutes late after a long queue at Dunkin’ Donuts.

Paul Waugh manages one minute before being reprimanded by the Judge for whispering in Court.

The Counsel for the Secretary of State makes his case, in essence:

  • LIG and Paul Waugh refuse to cooperate with the Insolvency Service
  • LIG refuse to provide Bank Account details
  • LIG have a “Lack of Transparency”
  • Paul Waugh has received over £1.5M over 4 years
  • LIG Accounts show zero income every year and no debts
  • It is impossible to understand the status of LIG Associates
  • Is is unclear what LIG does other than to pass large sums of money to Paul Waugh
  • LIG should be wound up in the “Public Interest”

After a recess, the case for the defence begins, nervous looks are exchanged by the Prosecuting Counsel, will this be the moment that the famous LIG Legals burst through the Court door?

Unfortunately, Paul Waugh rises to begin the defence, a few wobbles at the beginning as he expected a “Question & Answer” session, but soon finds his voice, basically a variation of the “Scooby Doo” defence:

“We’d have never been caught if it wasn’t for you pesky Trolls..”

  • PW thought that the IS & Sec. of State were Trolls, so ignored their requests
  • LIG is not a Company as we know it (Jim), it is a “Pre-Startup”
  • Operating “Costs” are the burden of the LIG members
  • The whole process is a smear campaign
  • LIG “Research” is somehow exempt from VAT & Tax
  • Data Protection issues prevented PW from replying
  • etc

The Judge informs the LIG Legal team that they need to produce something “substantial” to have any hope, and a Lunch recess is called.

After Lunch Paul Waugh resumes his defence with a 5 minute rant about Trolls & Reddit users, LIG will fight to the death, etc.

The Judge sums up the case:

  • PW was boasting about International expansion when he had “no time” to cooperate with IS
  • LIG deliberately refused to cooperate with investigators
  • There is no evidence of “Research”
  • There is no defence to the charges of Financial Irregularities
  • LIG is now wound up and he has 21 days to appeal

Later on Twitter, Paul Waugh states that God spoke to him and commanded him to wind up LIG.

This act of genius flummoxed the Judge and Prosecuting Counsel and allows him to return to Court to present his “Kompromat” and “Collateral” that he has recorded from his mentoring & counselling sessions.

1st April 2023

Paul Waugh sends tweets from Rwanda Airport en route to Johannesburg, the International Man of Mystery never fails to deliver.

The First Hearing

Feb 28 2023 11:30

The High Court of Justice, the Rolls Building

SECRETARY OF STATE FOR BUSINESS vs Lighthouse International Group

#The Charges

The Secretary of State for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy on the 25th January 2023 filed a Public Interest Winding up Notice against Lighthouse International Group LLP, freezing their bank accounts.

The Petitioner, being aware of the fearsome reputation of the LIG Legal Team, had brought in the Legal big guns, Gowling WLG (UK) LLP

Disappointingly, the LIG Legal Team were busy that morning, along with the illustrious leader of LIG, Paul Stephen Waugh, who was apparently too ill to appear at the hearing on the MS Teams call. Our sympathy goes out to his Virus.

Due to a “financial embarrassment”, LIG were also unable to afford external Legal Council and were represented by one of their several CEO’s, Mr Christ Nash

#Background to the Investigation

Mr Waugh has told the Insolvency Investigators,, authorised under section 447 of the Companies Act 1985, that he was too busy to provide them with any answers to:

  • What LIG does?
  • The source of Funds?
  • What it uses the money for?
  • Why he has taken £1.2 million from the LLP bank account since 2016?

Judge: Hmmm.

#The grounds against LIG

  1. LIG has failed to cooperate with the Insolvency Service Investigators, lacks transparency 🙂 , and has failed to preserve, maintain or deliver adequate accounting records.
  2. LIG has filed what are alleged to be false or misleading accounts.
  3. LIG has operated with lack of commercial probity, alleged misrepresentations, pressured individuals to pay and has received complaints.


LIG had 11,500 transactions through their Metro Bank Accounts 2014 – 2022

LIG have received £2.5 million over this period

LIG have withdrawn £2.4 million over this period

PSW has withdrawn £1.2 million since 2016

Total Income declared since LIG formation : £0.00

#The Case for LIG

A Cabal of Rich Toxic Pedophiles with links at the highest levels of government have initiated malicious prosecution against LIG

CN: This is not large scale fraud or tax evasion, it is a Smear Campaign, supported by the Secretary of State

CN: LIG has made some mistakes & oversights, we are only Laymen and we have Layman accounts 🙂

CN: LIG is in a Pre-Startup Phase and all income is self-employment income of the members

CN: We have been operating as a research community. We have not been a fully fledged business

CN: LIG cannot provide answers to financial questions due to Data Protection restrictions

CN: If you are looking to try and catch us out on a technicality, you will

CN: The sources behind this need to be investigated

CN: The process that (The Insolvency Investigator) has gone through needs to be investigated

Meanwhile on Twitter

In the Court of LIG

@chrisnash1 Feb 28 13:44

Finally!! Praise and honour to our Lord Jesus Christ.. we had our first day in court since the smear campaign against Lighthouse started 2 years ago. We have prayed for this, this is what we wanted!

..we have submitted evidence that completely refutes the allegations of Misrepresentation

..those who have smeared us and have lied in their statements are being held accountable!

..they have lied to the Secretary of State, to the media and other bodies and now to the courts

..this is everything we have been working towards! We asked for this to go to court, in fact we insisted on it!

..we are setup globally and are not dependent on the UK at all, however we are fighting this on principle and standing up for those who cannot fight and are at the mercy of this type of tyranny

..They are trying to get us on a few technicalities but Lighthouse is very much in the public interest and it will be proven to be so..

..the whole case is based on malicious intent of the complainants which means it ought to be dismissed – the judge acknowledged this needs to be looked at, at the next hearing

Jai Singh

..We slam dunked the main arguments of the malicious sources seeking undue refunds and now they are clutching at financial straws!

..We have moved on anyway! We wound it down and now operate globally to serve our brothers and sisters in Christ.

Contact Us

If you are one of the 77,534 people that has allegedly been “served” by LIG and have something to add or seek support, please contact us and we will try to assist.

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