Questioning Lighthouse International Group


Helping Organisations

The Family Survival Trust (FST)

The FST is a UK registered charity whose mission is to prevent, and to provide information on coercive control, cultic behaviour and psychological manipulation. They support those affected by groups that use these techniques.

Hope Valley Counselling

Hope Valley Counselling specialise in providing Psychotherapy, Counselling, Post-Cult Counselling, Supervision and Training.

The Samaritans

The Samaritans are here, day or night, for anyone who’s struggling to cope, who needs someone to listen without judgement or pressure.

To Think Again

To Think Again can help with reclaiming your life from coercive control and psychological abuse in destructive cults and relationships.

The BITE Model

The BITE Model was developed by Dr Steven Hassan to describe specific control methods used on people.

Dr. R. Lifton

Developed and described Eight Criteria of Though Reform

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